Owner Detail Statements.

Owner Detail Statement.

If you have ever received questions from a customer about incorrect 1099 amounts, then this module can be extremely helpful for you. Instead of manually adding up JIB statement totals, this module automates the process for you. You can easily generate a report and send it along with your 1099's, which will save you and your company from a lot of stress and headache. This is an excellent End of Year report to share with your Owners.

The Owner Detail Reports provide four options for printing statements.  With each report, you have the option to choose how often you update your operating statement. You can select from monthly, quarterly, yearly, or other frequencies.  Give a breakdown per unit and totals unit sales, taxes, and expenses (if applicable).

What does the Owner Detail Statement have to offer?

    • You can print this report by day, month, quarter, or year

    • This date-sensitive report will give you detailed information for General Ledger categories 3xxxx, 5xxxx, 71xxx - 75999

    • Shows owners decimal interest & their share for ALL Status Presents (1-8)

    View Sample JIB Listing Report

    • This report will print in owner number consecutively, and will most likely be for the company purposes

    • It does not show detail, rather only sum figures by General Ledger categories 3xxxx, 5xxxx, 71xxx-75999

    View Sample JIB Listing (Print Recap) Report

    • It does not show detail, rather only sum figures by General Ledger categories 3xxxx, 5xxxx, 71xxx-75999

    View Sample Period to Period Report

    • This report will print in owner number consecutively, and will most likely be for the company purposes

    • It does not show detail, rather only some figures by General Ledger categories 3xxxx, 5xxxx, 71xxx-75999

    View Sample Period to Period (Print Recap) Report